Saturday, April 5, 2008

Kenaf Tumbuhan Biokomposit

Friday, January 18, 2008

Kecanggihan teknologi pada hari ini telah membawa banyak perkembangan kepada industri pertanian khususnya pokok kenaf. Perkembangan ini seterusnya membuka satu lagi ruang kepada kenaf dalam industri biokomposit negara. Pohon kenaf atau nama saintifiknya Hibiscus cannabinus L. merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang berasal dari Afrika. Tumbuhan ini dikenal pasti telah pun wujud hampir 4000 tahun yang lalu. Hasil daripada penyelidikan saintifik, kenaf merupakan tumbuhan yang dikategorikan dalam kumpulan Hibiscus iaitu dalam famili Malvaceas. Antara tumbuhan yang dikategorikan sama dengan kenaf adalah kapas dan bendi.

Antara ciri-ciri istimewa tumbuhan ini adalah, ia mampu untuk tumbuh dengan pantas dan boleh menjangkau ketinggian sehingga 3.7-4.3 meter dalam masa hanya 4 minggu . Selain itu juga, tumbuhan ini hanya mampu berbunga sehari sahaja. Tangkai tumbuhan kenaf ini mengandungi dua jenis gentian yang sangat berguna iaitu gentian di bahagian luar dan gentian di bahagian dalam. Gentian bahagian luar atau dikenali sebagai gentian kulit mengandungi 40 % berat daripada berat tangkai kering dan ukuran panjang gentian ini biasanya 2.6 mm apabila diproses. Gentian bahagian ini amat sesuai digunakan sebagai bahan asas dalam pembuatan kertas. Sementara itu pula, gentian dibahagian dalam iaitu gentian teras yang berwarna putih mengandungi 60 % berat daripada berat tangkai kering. Apabila ia diproses, ia mampu menghasilkan gentian yang berukuran 6 mm. Gentian ini setanding dengan gentian yang diperolehi daripada kayu keras di mana gentian jenis ini biasanya digunakan dalam penghasilan beberapa jenis produk kertas.

Tambahan pula, tumbuhan ini sesuai hidup dalam pelbagai jenis keadaan iklim dan jenis tanah. Ia dapat hidup dengan baik dan mampu menghasilkan hasil yang banyak sekiranya berada dalam iklim yang panas dan tanah dalam keadaan lembap. Namun begitu, tumbesaran pokok kenaf akan terbantut sekiranya suhu persekitaran di bawah 10oC. Disamping itu juga, penggunaan tumbuhan ini adalah bersifat mesra alam di mana ia diperolehi daripada alam semula jadi, serta merupakan bahan bersifat organik dan boleh dikitar semula.

Dalam industr gentian dan kayu, kenaf bersaing sengit dengan pokok akasia. Walaupun pokok akasia merupakan tumbuhan yang sangat produktif kerana sifat tumbuhan tersebut yang mampu tumbuh dengan cepat dan mampu menghasilkan kuantiti gentian dan kayu yang banyak, namun tumbuhan ini dilihat tidak begitu ekonomi dan tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan dalam sektor perabot dan lantai. Justeru itu, kenaf dilihat mempunyai masa depan yang lebih cerah dalam menyumbang kepada ekonomi negara. Ini kerana tumbuhan ini bukan sahaja mampu menghasilkan gentian yang lebih berkualiti berbanding akasia, malah ia turut dapat menampung beberapa sektor pembuatan lain seperti penghasilan pulpa dan kertas, serta bertindak sebagai gentian penguat industri komponen plastik, penyerap bahan kimia dan lain-lain. Selain itu juga, tumbuhan kenaf yang masih muda boleh dijadikan sumber makanan haiwan ternakan seperti lembu dan lain-lain. Ia juga amat sesuai digunakan dalam penghasilan ramuan herba seperti di India.

Sehubungan dengan itu, melihat akan potensi kenaf yang amat besar dalam sektor yang melibatkan kertas dan kayu-kayan serta sektor-sektor yang berkaitan, satu usaha bersama telah dilaksanakan untuk mengkaji tumbuhan kenaf ini dengan lebih mendalam lagi. Sebuah jawatan kuasa teknikal Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Negara (MTEN) yang terdiri daripada 25 orang penyelidik daripada beberapa buah institusi penyelidikan di Malaysia seperti MARDI, UPM, JPHM-VRI, FRIM, IHK dan MINT telah pun dibentuk dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan berkenaan dengan tumbuhan kenaf ini. Usaha murni yang diketuai oleh MARDI ini adalah bertujuan untuk membuat penyelidikan saintifik supaya kenaf dapat dikomersilkan dalam pelbagai sektor industri. Sebagai langkah awal, tumbuhan kenaf ini akan dibangunkan sebagai tumbuhan gentian, dimana ia akan dijadikan sebagai bahan alternatif dalam sektor kayu-kayan seperti penghasilan papan gentian. Secara tidak langsung, usaha ini menyumbang kepada perkembangan industri biokomposit negara. Pada masa yang sama, kajian ini dapat membangunkan penanaman tumbuhan kenaf yang lebih efektif dalam semua aspek termasuk teknik penanaman, pengurusan tumbuhan, penuaian, pemprosesan kenaf, pengeringan dan pembungkusan. Selain itu juga, kajian ini diharap dapat menemui kaedah pemantauan dan pengawalan penanaman kenaf dari serangan serangga perosak yang boleh membawa penyakit bagi penanaman kenaf yang berskala besar.

Mengambil contoh negara jiran seperti Indonesia , kenaf merupakan tanaman yang penting selain tembakau. Namun begitu, sektor penanaman tembakau sedikit terjejas kerana wujudnya sistem kuota yang dikenakan oleh beberapa kerajaan dunia berikutan kesan buruk tembakau terhadap kesihatan manusia. Oleh yang demikian, satu langkah telah diambil oleh Lembaga Tembakau Negara (LTN) dengan menjadikan kenaf sebagai tanaman gantian dalam penghasilan gentian bagi menampung pendapatan tembakau negara yang terjejas.

Pada masa yang sama, usaha penyelidikan terhadap kenaf sebagai gentian penguat komposit plastik (fibre reinforced plastic composite) sebenarnya telah pun dijalankan di Pusat Teknologi Biokomposit, UPM. Penemuan gentian dalam komposit plastik telah menghasilkan produk-produk baru yang berkualiti tinggi dan mempunyai kekuatan yang tinggi.

Kesimpulannya, tumbuhan kenaf mempunyai pelbagai kegunaan khususnya dalam membuka satu lebaran baru dalam industri kayu-kayan di Malaysia . Satu usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh perlu dilaksanakan bagi menggalakkan petani mengusahakan penanaman pokok kenaf ini. Syarikat-syarikat tempatan dan luar negara juga perlu digalakkan untuk melabur dalam projek yang berasaskan gentian kenaf. Apa yang pasti, penemuan terbaru tumbuhan kenaf ini telah membongkar satu lagi rahsia alam semulajadi yang unik dan bermutu tinggi.
(Artikel ini telah disiarkan di Utusan Malaysia,28/12/2007)

Mohd Rezwan Alias

Pegawai Sains

Institut Perhutanan Tropika dan Produk Hutan

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Bank Pertanian to aid kenaf farmers

Monday March 17, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Pertanian Malaysia envisages zero financing problems for farmers who opt to replace their tobacco with kenaf farms, under the East Coast Economic Region (ECER).
The bank which has been entrusted to channel the tobacco loan scheme, said alternative financing can be offered or arrangements can be made to convert the present tobacco schemes to kenaf farms, said general manager Martini Osman.
“The initiatives are part of efforts to bolster the bank's presence and exposure to the farming community especially those involved in projects under the ECER,” she said.
Kenaf farming has come to the forefront recently because the Asean Free Trade Area which takes effect in 2010, will see Malaysia reduce duties on tobacco imports, making tobacco farming here less competitive.
The world’s largest producers of tobacco are China and Brazil, followed by India, the US and Greece .
Tobacco farming has been the bread-and-butter of many rural Kelantan and Terengganu households for many years.
Under the ECER, the target area for kenaf is about 10,000ha. It is expected to increase the income of 10,000 marginal tobacco farmers and create more jobs.
The Government had allocated RM2mil for kenaf research under the Seventh Malaysia Plan (1996-2000) and RM3.2mil for the same purpose under the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005).
Kenaf, also known as hibiscus cannabinus, is a fibrous plant that matures in 100 to 1,000 days.
The kenaf plant can be processed into paper, clothing, building material, car accessories and bio-fuel.
Studies carried out on cows in Japan showed that those fed with kenaf produced up to 45% milk more than others.
Kenaf makes quality animal feed because its protein content is between 22% and 25% compared with cut grass, which contains only 12%.
Kenaf seeds yield a vegetable oil that is edible and high in omega antioxidants.
The kenaf oil is also used in cosmetics, industrial lubricants and bio-fuel.
The shrub, which grows to a height of 1.75m in just a month, is also able to produce very strong and long strands of fibre, suitable for housing construction, car seats, padding and trimmings, and various grades of paper from newsprint to bond paper.


Yang dimuliakan, saudara pengerusi majlis,

Your Excellency Dr. Anacleto Felicani,
Italian Ambassador to Malaysia,

Mrs Paola Roncolini,
Italian Trade Commissioner to Malaysia,

Yang Berbahagia Dato� Mohd. Nazuri Hashim Shah, Director General, Malaysian Timber Industry Board

Yang Berusaha Encik Teo Hui Bek, Director General, National Tobacco Board

Mr. Giacomo Gallusi, KEFI, Italy,

Y. Bhg. Datin Naru Aini Abdul Rahman, Kenaf Eco Fiber Malaysia,

Y.Bhg. Dato�-Dato�, Distinguished Guests,

Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan yang dihormati sekalian
Selamat Datang, Selamat tengah hari dan salam sejahtera,

1. I am indeed honoured and grateful to be able to attend and witness this signing ceremony between Kenaf Eco Fiber Malaysia and Kenaf Eco Fiber Italy. I would also like to extend a special welcome to H.E. Dr. Anacleto Felicani, the Italian Ambassador to Malaysia and Mr. Giacomo Gallusi of KEFI to this signing ceremony.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

2. The close co-operation and commitment of the Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) and the National Tobacco Board (LTN) as well as the other various parties involved has brought about this smart partnership. Indeed, pioneering the development of the kenaf industry in Malaysia is a noble effort to accept the challenge of the Government to develop a new source of growth.

3. This signing ceremony marks the first commercialisation of kenaf in Malaysia for the purpose of producing kenaf fiber based insulators for the export market. I hope that this will act as a catalyst for KEFIMA or other companies to diversify into other products which can be manufactured from kenaf, which is said to have �a thousand uses� including pulping and paper products, absorbents, automotive panels and components, textiles, wood and plastics composites, fibrous reinforced plaster and cement, as well as cellulosic ethanol. Apart from the investments benefits from this joint venture companies, I am also proud to witness this signing ceremony as it also involves the transfer of kenaf processing and manufacturing technology and the creation of a market for kenaf products, more important still for export. Growers in Malaysia, especially displaced tobacco growers would also benefit from a new crop through contract farming to be arranged by the National Tobacco Board

4. For the tobacco industry, this venture offers a good opportunity to identify a sustainable equivalent to substitute tobacco which is facing the twin threats of tobacco control and globalisation. The full liberalisation of the domestic tobacco industry under AFTA by 2010 will result in competition from other lower cost tobacco producers in ASEAN. This, together with the impact of measures to control tobacco usage under the Framework Convention On Tobacco Control (FCTC), will result in the displacement of more than half of the 15,000 families involved in tobacco planting. When successfully commercialised, kenaf offers hope for these displaced tobacco growers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

5. For MTIB which is responsible for the downstream sector of timber related industries, kenaf can be a valuable, sustainable and environmentally friendly substitute for forest based raw materials. The introduction of kenaf fibers, core and pulp into the various materials used by the timber based industries would be instrumental in alleviating the shortage of forest based raw materials. Green and sustainable products would definitely have a market premium in future as forest and environment conservation becomes more critical.

6. With this signing ceremony there are more hard works to be done to by all parties to implement the various plans. I was made to understand that a site in Setiu, Trengganu has been identified to locate the upstream and downstream operations of this joint venture. This would involve the building of a kenaf separation plant and a kenaf fiber insulator manufacturing factory. The kenaf raw material requirements of this factory would be met by kenaf growers clustered around the kenaf factory for logistics and support purposes. Initially, 1000 hectares of mainly Bris soil has been identified and there are potential to increase the acreage to 5000 hectares with displaced tobacco farmers in Kelantan and Northern Trengganu switching to kenaf growing. The National Tobacco Board is also in the final stages of negotiations with another company to set up a brown paper factory in Kelantan using kenaf core for pulping. This will complement the insulator factory to be set up by KEFIMA which will be using kenaf fibers and the kenaf core could be used as pulp for making brown paper.

7. The development of the upstream sector of the kenaf is very important to ensure quality and reliable supply of raw materials for the downstream sector. On this I was informed that The National Tobacco Board will spearhead this development with the assistance of other agencies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro Based Industries. To achieve this goal, support services and resources responsible for the successful development of the tobacco industry will be deployed as well as encourage to grow kenaf under the �seed to market� integrated package. The kenaf industry must not repeat the weakness of the traditional tobacco industry where the industry was not vertically integrated and tobacco farmers did not benefit from value adding downstream activities. As kenaf is a new industry, it gives us an opportunity to rectify this shortcoming by ensuring that kenaf farmers have a stake in kenaf downstream activities, which include the separation plant and even the factories producing the final product. I am glad to know that KEFIMA is giving due consideration on this social responsibility and is discussing with the National Tobacco Board on their mechanisms and details. This could be in the form of contributions or equity payments to the Kenaf Growers Development Fund proposed to be set up by the National Tobacco Board. Apart from direct payment from the sales of kenaf stems, kenaf growers also receive indirect income from related kenaf downstream activities from this fund.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

8. This occasion also a good opportunity for me to give recognition to other parties who have directly or indirectly contributed to the successful conclusion of the joint venture agreement. They include the National Economic Action Council (MTEN) and its various kenaf related committees, MIDA and MARDI. The collaboration is a testimony of the workings and success of Malaysia Incorporated Concept. I would like to extend my Ministry�s appreciation on all the efforts given. From here onwards, I expect to see new parties to be involved. I would like to give my appreciation to Terengganu State Government who has supported the location of this project in Setiu and has identified several sites for growing and processing of kenaf. I hope that further collaboration could be enhanced as there are much more hard work to be done to realise the mission we have envisaged. I assure both KEFIMA and KEFI, of the government�s support to develop the kenaf industry in Malaysia in a smart and synergistic partnership, not only for the benefit of your companies but more importantly for the benefit of the displaced tobacco growers. I would like to congratulate the National Tobacco Board for the strong commitments to develop kenaf and for taking the initiative together with the Malaysian Timber Industry Board, in bringing about this signing ceremony.

9. Before concluding, I once again would like to thank H.E. Dr Anacleto Felicani for kindly gracing this simple but momentous signing ceremony. To Mr. Giacomo Gallusi of KEFI, I would like to thank KEFI for being a strategic partner in this pioneering venture and I hope the smart partnership and the transfer of technology would reap benefits for your company as well as the farmers involved. No doubt it will also contribute to the strong and good relationship enjoyed by both our countries.

10. I am confident that with the commitments, close co-operation, hard work and the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, the kenaf industry can be successfully developed in Malaysia, thus fulfilling the aspiration of our Prime Minister to find new sources of growth, in which the agriculture sector is in position to contribute towards achieving this objective.

Thank you.

Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia
28th March 2006